Latest posts on tagged on "ASP-NET"

What are Value types and Reference types ?

19 March 2016

Value types directly contain their data which are either allocated on the stack or allocated in-line in a structure.

What are different types of JIT ?

19 March 2016

JIT compiler is a part of the runtime execution environment. In Microsoft .NET there are three types of JIT compilers:

Can we force garbage collector to run ?

19 March 2016

System.GC.Collect() forces garbage collector to run. This is not recommended but can be used if situations arises.

How to use try and catch in

18 March 2016

Here I am going to describe how to use try catch in In this try section write your logic and catch section receive(display) your exception use messageBox or write message.

How to bind DataGridView in

18 March 2016

In this articles describes how to bind DataGridView in Here I am using SqlDataAdapter to fill dataset and then give dataset as DataSource for the grid.

How to use mysql connection string in

18 March 2016

In this articles describes how to use mysql connection string in if you know how to use sql server connection string in then it is very easy. It is same as sql server connection string. Here I am using local mysql server as a DataSource that mean it will connect automatically to the local server

How to use mysql connection in

18 March 2016

In this articles describes how to use mysql connection in Here I am using to connect mysql with Add reference to the reference folder and use it in your form.

How to convert date to string in

18 March 2016

In this articles describes how to convert datetime to string Here I am using Format Method to format or convert date to string.

How to find T4 Template file path in MVC?

17 March 2016

In this articles describes how to find t4 template file path in MVC. Here I found some solution to find the location of t4 template(in build views). In my system I have used visual studio 2012, this location depends upon the visual studio versions

How to visible Header in gridview using c# .net?

17 March 2016

In this articles describes how to visible Header columns in gridview. Here I have use ShowHeader Property to visible Header columns either true or false.