Latest posts on tagged on "MVC"

How to share twitter post using MVC c#?

23 May 2016

The sample code in this article demonstrates share twitter post programmatically. To create a twitter application using Twitter apps and get a customer key (API Key) and customer secret (API key). Inorder to share twitter post we need to Install-Package TweetSharp using nuget package manager console and reference to the page.

How to pass multiple parameters to a POST method using jQuery Ajax in MVC?

22 May 2016

In this article we will discuss to pass multiple parameters from Ajax post call in MVC application. Before I have faced issues with jQuery ajax post call to a controller with multiple parameter due to syntax errors. Now I have found a way by passing JSON stringifyed Object to a [HttpPost] method.

[Solved] CS1003: Syntax error, '>' expected

21 May 2016

When I run the application I got error “CS1003: Syntax error, '>' expected”. After that I realized the mistake because of semicolon (;) I put after the model class in the Index.cshtml view “@model MVC_tutorials.Models.Document;”

How to create word document file using MVC?

21 May 2016

In this step-by-step article descrbes how to create a MS word document file using The sample code in this article demonstrates how to insert paragraphs with text programmatically.

How to create multiple fileUpload using MVC 4?

20 May 2016

In this article we will learn how to upload in MVC 4 application.To begin create an mvc project called mvc-tutorials and also create a class and name it as picture with a single propery name files with datatype

How to create single fileUpload using MVC 4?

20 May 2016

To begin create an mvc project called mvc-tutorials and also create a class and name it as picture with a single propery file with datatype HttpPostedFileBase.

[Solved]Complilation error: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

13 May 2016

It was happen when I was assigned value to a variable var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; so that it was happened afterwards I find out solution. I have assigned like this var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; then works fine. We do not need to use @ symbol.

How to make optional parameter in partial view using MVC?

8 May 2016

In this article we will discuss How to make optional parameter in partial view using MVC. We are using using partial view at many places with model. If some place no need of model that time we need to pass null.