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Same google adsense ad code on same page(placing google ads)

| | Category: Adsense

You can place the same google adsense code multiple times on a web page. The reason goes for different ad code is size. To place google ads which size is suitable for the page you want to track and position in your page to get maximum clicks.

[Solved]Cannot implicitly convert type System.DateTime? to System.DateTime. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

| | Category: asp.net MVC

I got the following error while assigning object property to a DateTime variable. I got a solution, it is due DateTime? Nullable DateTime property in the Class.

[Solved] The associated metadata type for type object contains the following unknown properties or fields.

| | Category: asp.net MVC

I got the following error while running the application, later I found a solution for that. This is due the partial class properties are not found in the main class. I removed the column field’s likesCount and OutputHtml from the table and updating the model using entity framework. But I haven’t removed the properties from the partial class.

How to create tags in jQuery from database in asp.net mvc (jQuery tag autocomplete) ?

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this article, I will show you how to create tags using tag jQuery plugin in asp.net mvc with database.

Cascading dropdownlist in asp.net mvc using Angularjs

| | Category: Angular-js

In this article, I will show you how to create cascading dropdownlist in asp.net mvc using Angularjs. To begin install angularjs in the project by running the following command in nuget package manager console.

How to bind grid using angularjs in asp.net mvc?

| | Category: Angular-js

In this article we will discuss how to bind the grid using angularjs in asp.net mvc c#. On the page load bind the data from database and display using angular ui datagrid.

A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type

| | Category: asp.net MVC

I got the following circular error while running the application “A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies”.

How to redirect in mvc using jQuery?

| | Category: JQuery

In this article I will show you how to redirect in mvc using a jQuery script code. When the user clicks the button JQuery event is triggered on that you can assign controller action to location.href.

How to edit xml file using asp.net c# MVC?

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this article I will show you how to modify xml file using asp.net c# mvc. I have xml file with column fields such as id, paragraph, link etc.

How to create popup window in JavaScript (Open another window)?

| | Category: JavaScript

In this article, I will show you to open a popup window using JavaScript. You can customize the new window open features such as directories, width, height, location, resizable etc.

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