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Latest posts on tagged on "ASP-NET"

How to visible footer in gridview using c# .net?

| | Category: c# .net

In this articles describes how to visible footer columns in gridview. Here I have use ShowFooter Property to visible footer columns either true or false.

How to use confirm message in gridview using c# .net?

| | Category: c# .net

In this articles describes how to use confirm message before delete my data in c# .net. Here I have use confirmation dialog box before delete a data.

How to find TextBox value in gridview using c# .net?

| | Category: c# .net

This articles describes how to find textbox value from gridview in c# .net. Here first I find rowindex by using NamingContainer and then find textbox value from the gridview by using rowindex.

How to find gridview RowIndex in C#.Net?

| | Category: c# .net

This articles describes how to find gridview rowindex in c#. Normally we can find rowindex by using NamingContainer.

[Solved]An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

| | Category: c# .net

It's hard to find any information on the topic but in my opinion enableSimpleMembership set to false in appsettings. For me this error resolved by setting below code.

[solved]To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application.

| | Category: c# .net

If you want to see exact error of the page you must turn Off custom error mode. After changing the webconfig file save and reload the page you can view the exact error of the page. This setting is under .

[solved]Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connection closed.

| | Category: c# .net

When you try to send an email from web application if you got exceptions like this your Username or password must be wrong and also Check port is 465 (SSL) change to 80.

[solved]The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: authentication required

| | Category: c# .net

If you not configured credentials this error will occur. Your must need to include Credentials for secure connection then only authenticated.

How to configure godaddy email account using .net?

| | Category: c# .net

To set up your email client with your email, you need to know your POP or IMAP Email Server Settings and ports. To find them, go to the Email Setup Center and write down the information that displays under Email Server Settings.

How to remove last three character of input string using Substring?

| | Category: c# .net

If you want to remove the last three character of the string object. Here this example code demonstrates us to remove all the character, excluding the last three using c# ASP.net framework c#.

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