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Latest posts on tagged on "Html"

SEO tricks for Links

| | Category: SEO

The system of documents interconnected all over the web through links. The hyperlinks are the major components for an effective SEO optimization.

how to make responsive website with @media query in asp.net?

| | Category: Css

In this article I will show you how to build responsive website with @media query in asp.net. Depending on the web browser size, assign different stylesheets to the css @media Query.

Google maps api-Get current location of our website’s user

| | Category: JQuery

In this article, I will show you how to find current location using google maps api geolocation. The Html5 geolocation api supports for HTML5, is used to determine the get latitude and longitude from google maps...

Paper background effect in css3

| | Category: Css

In this example, I will show you to create shuffled paper shadow effect using pure CSS3, without using images as background.

bootstrap image viewer using modal image gallery ?

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this article, I will show how to create a bootstrap modal image gallery for a blog using bootstrap jQuery plugins. You can create advanced image gallery using bootsrap with slideshow.

How to highlight the text in html?

| | Category: Css

In this article, I will show how to make text highlighted in html. You can create a css class for highlighting the text and apply to the html tag. i.e css text highlight color.

How to implement css class to justify text?

| | Category: Css

In this article, I will show how to create css to justify text. You can use text-align property set to justify, It alters the both left and right margins as straight and align spacing between the words.

How to create css code for uppercase (transform text)?

| | Category: Css

In this article, I will show you how to change to text to uppercase in css. You can convert lowercase to uppercase word using Css text-transform property i.e css text capitalize.

Uncaught TypeError dropzone is not a function at HTMLDocument anonymous

| | Category: JQuery

I am using dropzone.js for drag and drop file upload using JQuery in asp.net MVC. While running the application I got this following error "Uncaught TypeError dropzone is not a function at HTMLDocument anonymous" .

Dropzone Js-Upload and resize the image in jQuery ajax asp.net mvc

| | Category: JQuery

In this article, I will show how to resize an image while upload using jQuery ajax in asp.net mvc. The dropzone.js file upload plugin provides drag and drag files with a good user interface.

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