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c# .net

How to bind combo box from database using entity framework in windows application?

| | CSharp

In this example I will show you to bind combo box from database using entity framework in windows application c# .net.


Here I am using Northwind database. You can download it from following link.

Download Northwind Database

Open Microsoft sql management studio and right click on the database and attach it.

Step 1: Create an ado.net entity data model using table Cutomers and generate entity for that.

Step 2: Create a form and drag and drop the combobox control and name it.

Step 3:  initially load the customer names in to the combo box using the following codes.

public Form1()

private void LoadCustomers()
            var customers = (from c in db.Customers
                             select new { c.ContactName,c.CustomerID }).Distinct().ToList();
           cboCustomer.DataSource = customers;
           cboCustomer.ValueMember = "ContactName";
          cboCustomer.DisplayMember = "CustomerID";
