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How to calculate the sum of odd and even numbers in Python?

| | python

In this tutorial I will show you how to calculate the sum of odd and even numbers in Python.


#Sum of even & odd numbers

for number in numbers:
    if(number % 2== 0):
        evenTotal += number
        oddTotal += number

print("The sum of Even Numbers=", evenTotal)
print("The sum of Odd Numbers=", oddTotal)


We're going to use a for loop to iterate and to calculate the sum of even and odd numbers. So we have to define the variable as evenTotal & oddTotal and set it to 0.

For each iteration check if the number is divisible by 2 with no remainder, then it is even and add it the variable evenTotal. If it leaves a remainder 1 then the number is odd and then add it to the variable oddTotal. 

The plus is the assignment operator is used to adding the total of all even and odd numbers. After our for loop. This totalOdd, totalEven variables has the total of all even and odd numbers. we can simply print it here.

cmd:python example.py


The sum of Even Numbers= 232
The sum of Odd Numbers= 142