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c# .net

Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store string in Column. Expected type is Int32

| | CSharp

When I tried to Add rows to the dynamically generated DataTable though loop I got the following error. The DataTable contains two columns with DataType property as string.

models db = new models();

    string connstring = db.Database.Connection.ConnectionString;

    List<object> chartData = new List<object>();


    DataTable MyDataTable = new DataTable();

    DataColumn dc = MyDataTable.Columns.Add("ShipCity", typeof(string));

    MyDataTable.Columns.Add("OrderDate", typeof(string));

    dc.AutoIncrement = true;


    var query = (from order in db.Orders

                                   select new





    foreach (var element in query)


        var row = MyDataTable.NewRow();

        row["ShipCity"] = element.ShipCity;

        row["OrderDate"] = element.Year;




Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store string in Column



Lately I noticed the problem because of incrementing the data column. I removed the following code "dc.AutoIncrement = true" from the line the problem was resolved.