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asp.net MVC

Redirect to external URL from controller asp.net MVC


You can redirect to an external URL by using Redirect Method() or via Json Result. 

Asp.net MVC redirect to URL:
You can do URL redirect in mvc via Controller’s Redirect() method. The following example, I have given redirection to google page.

public ActionResult Index()
            return Redirect("http://www.google.com");

JQuery ajax redirect: 

You cannot perform server side redirect from jQuery Ajax response.So that you should return JsonResult with a new URL and perform response redirect with JavaScript’s window.location property.

<script type="text/javascript">
        $.post("@Url.Action("Redirect")", function (data) {
            window.location = data.url;

public ActionResult Redirect()
            // ...
           return Json(new { url = "http://www.yahoo.com" });