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Website host

Web Hosting Types

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Web Hosting Types

The types of website hosting are: free host, virtual (shared) host or exclusive host.

Some service providers provide free web hosting.

Free hosting for small low-traffic sites, such as personal websites. However, it is not recommended to use a free host for high traffic or commercial sites, as there are often technical limitations and few options to choose from.

Normally, you can not use your own domain name on a free host. Instead, I have to use the address provided by the host, like this: http://www.freesite/users/~yoursite.htm. This URL hard to write, hard to remember, it is not professional.

Low cost. FreeNo domain name.
Suitable for home, business or personal website.Few, limited, or no software options at all.
There will usually be free e-mail.Limited security options.
 Limited or no database support
 Limited technical support


Shared host (virtual host)

Web hosting is the most common, but also the most cost-effective.

With web hosting, your site will be hosted on the same high-performance server as the rest, perhaps 100 sites. In a virtual host, each site can use their own domain name.

Web Hosting typically offers a variety of software solutions such as email, databases, many different editing options. Technical support is often good.

low cost. Share costs with other users.Reduced security due to many sites on one server.
Suitable for small business and medium traffic.There are restrictions on traffic.
A variety of software options.Limited database support.
Own domain nameLimited software support.
Good service support. 


Exclusive hosting

You can host your site on a dedicated server with a dedicated hosting service.

Dedicated hosting is the most expensive host type. This solution fits into large, high-traffic websites, as well as websites that use special software.

Dedicated hosting performance is very strong, very safe, there are almost no restrictions on the software program.

Suitable for large commercial websites.expensive.
Suitable for high traffic website.Requires higher technology.
You can use more than one domain name. 
Powerful email solution. 
Strong database support. 
Powerful (unlimited) software support. 


Hosting host

The solution is to put your own server at the service provider.

This is very similar to running your server in your own office, except that the server is placed in a place designed specifically for it.

Usually providers have dedicated room resources, such as fire prevention vandalism high security, uninterruptible power supply, dedicated Internet connection and so on.

High bandwidth.expensive
High uptime.Need higher technology.
High security.Difficult to set up and fix bugs.
Unlimited software options. 


Your list

Before you choose your web host, please make sure the following:

  • The type of host that meets your current needs
  • Host type price
  • Can upgrade to a better server
  • If needed, can upgrade to exclusive server

Before you sign a contract with your hosting provider, you can visit other sites on their servers and feel their speed. Also compare other sites to your site and see if you have the same needs. It is also a good idea to communicate with other users.