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asp.net MVC

What is Session and how to use in asp.net MVC ?

| | ASP-NET , CSharp , MVC

In this Article, I describe what is Session and how to use session in asp.net mvc. Session is helpful to access or pass a data from controller to View or one View to controller that mean we can access a session value anywhere in application until user browser is open.




Session["Success"]= "Welcome to www.Infinetsoft.com";


public ActionResult Index()


            Session["Message1"] = "First Message";

            return RedirectToAction("Index1");         



public ActionResult Index1()


             string str = Session["Message1"].ToString();

             Session["Message1"] = "Second Message";

            return View(Index);




    ViewBag.Title = "Index";




 Here I demonstrate with small example, When I build a application Index method executed first and it take First Message to session[“Message1”] and index method is redirect to index1. In Index1 method , I change the session value and it take Second Message in Session[“Message1”].