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Latest posts on tagged on "Html"

ng-app angularJS with example

| | Category: Angular-js

ng-app is a directive in AngularJs. Many of angularJs directives available in https://doc.angularjs.org/api go through this site and select API Reference from Develop menu.

How to convert datatable to html table in c#?

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this article I will show you how to convert datatable to html table by parse and generate and return as Json result in c# asp.net Mvc

Download div content on button click using javascript

| | Category: c# .net

In this article, I will show you how to download div content using javascript on button click. To save the content of the div you need to trigger the click event and get downloaded from the innerHTML using elementId.

How to create HTML 5 canvas Line chart using asp.net mvc chart control?

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this article I will show you how to create HTML 5 canvas Multi Line series chart from database in asp.net MVC c# implemented using chart.js.

How to glow a message highlight using JQuery UI?

| | Category: JQuery

In this article I will show how to glow a message highlight for 2 seconds using highlight effect implemented in jQuery UI. We can set color and time duration for the effect.

after ajax load AddThis is not working

| | Category: JQuery

Addthis is not working when I load dynamic content on button click. It was resolved by adding the script on page Load.

append multiple html content in jquery with example

| | Category: JQuery

If you want to multiple rows of html content via jQuery using append function and at the end of the line put slash(\) for sequence line.

@Html is not working for razor helper view file in App_Code folder

| | Category: asp.net MVC

I have created Helper file that is not accessible from App_Code folder and also HtmlHelper is getting null while running. It was resolved by get helpers from the PageContext

How can get favicon using google webservice?

| | Category: API

You can get favicon.ico from the root folder of the website using Google web service, but this service is not guarantee they might remove it at anytime.

Google API-Refused to display in a frame because it set X-Frame-Options to SAMEORIGIN.

| | Category: API

If you have not set URL path or worng URL path specified in the Authorize Javascript Orgins, it may leads to this error.

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