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Latest posts on tagged on "Html"

[solved] 401. That’s an error.Error: invalid_client no registered origin

| | Category: API

When I was trying to run the application I had faced this problem. It was resolved by setting authorize redirect URLs in a proper manner.

Load html page in ASP.NET MVC view

| | Category: asp.net MVC

In this example, I will show you how to load an html page in asp.net MVC view. You can call an html page from your view using Html.Action helper method.

 remove character from html file?

| | Category: .Net

While running the project I got the following  character displayed on the top of the html page. It was fixed by encode the html file using Notepad++.

How to add row number dynamically to jQuery datatable?

| | Category: JQuery

In this example, I will show you to add a row number dynamically to jQuery datatable.I used jQuery datatable for binding grid, before I was struggled with adding row numbers in the first column to the table. Now I fixed the issue; it is working fine.

How to check all rows in a gridview in asp.net?

| | Category: c# .net

In this article we will discuss how to check all rows in a gridview in asp.net using javascript. When user clicks on the header checkbox it call a javascript function on that we are written logic about checkall/uncheckall for a gridview.

How to select all checkboxes from all pages in jQuery datatable grid?

| | Category: JQuery

Normally jQuery datatable will display 10 records at a time. If we select using paging max it will show 100. If user needs to select all records form all pages. Below example I will show you how to select all records from all pages of jQuery datatable and same way if user unchecks select all checkbox it will uncheck checkboxes from all pages.

How to create color animation effect on search button click in jquery?

| | Category: JQuery

To attract the user with different smoothly animation effects using several css properties such as color, background color, border-color, and outline color for search box. It was achieved by jQuery’s animate() method let’s look at the example.

How to get href value property for anchor tag in jquery?

| | Category: JQuery

In this article we will learn how to get href value property for anchor tag in jquery using attr() property. Below example when the user clicks the about link button alert will show the href property value.

How to trigger an event on pageload using buttonId in jquery?

| | Category: JQuery

When I have bind html text in text editor on pageload but that time design is not working fine because of nbsp; after I removed. I need to load the page without clicking the button. Finally I found solution to trigger the button event in jquery using trigger method(). Below example just I will show you how to trigger the button event.

How to implement show, hide using JQuery?

| | Category: JQuery

JQuery offers capability to hide and show, this can be implemented using hide() and show() methods.

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