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SEO-Reasonable Updates Quickly Improve Website Ranking

Anyone familiar with SEO in this industry knows that updating an article is an important part of website optimization. So why update the article? Is this work necessary? Can't update not? In fact, updating the article is just a general concept. The focus of this work is on the update.

Rules for crawling page in Baidu search engine

Each search result displayed by search engine for users corresponds to a page on the Internet. This page generates the need to crawl, filter, index and output the results, which means that the page has been received.

New website to do good SEO optimization must-see

Google's collection time for the new station is fast, and Baidu's collection is the slowest, which involves the search engine algorithm Now that it's a core secret, most webmasters can't explain clearly, and I can only guess why.

Web Hosting Types

The types of website hosting are: free host, virtual (shared) host or exclusive host. Some service providers provide free web hosting. Free hosting for small low-traffic sites, such as personal websites.