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How to fire an event after complete page load using jquery?

I was in a situation want to load the page after the page contents are loaded I would like to call a function. This was achieved by using $(window).bind().Below example code I will show you how to implement.we should call it inside the $(document).ready() function.

How to trigger an event on pageload using buttonId in jquery?

When I have bind html text in text editor on pageload but that time design is not working fine because of nbsp; after I removed. I need to load the page without clicking the button. Finally I found solution to trigger the button event in jquery using trigger method(). Below example just I will show you how to trigger the button event.

How to create animated border over image using css?

We can set multiple css properties to create animation border over image using css. We can set the transitions for width, height, background-color, transform. Hover over the image to see the animation with a period of time with changes take effect immediatly.

How to animate image using jquery?

In this article we will discuss to animate image using method animate(). We can set numeric css properties width, height, padding, margin, etc. we can also specify duration using predefined string slow,fast,medium or time duration in milliseconds.