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[Solved]Complilation error: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

It was happen when I was assigned value to a variable var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; so that it was happened afterwards I find out solution. I have assigned like this var desc = @Model.ShortDescription; then works fine. We do not need to use @ symbol.

How to implement submit button click in JQuery?

In this article we will discuss implementing to use submit button click in JQuery. We will write a function in script block and will call function inside $(document).ready()W without using Id here we are using input type . When the submit button is clicked, we are hiding the div tag.

How to convert JSON string to JSON array?

In this article we will discuss to convert JSON string to JSON array using JSON.parse () method. After parsing we are using JQurey each() method to loop the Product JSON object get the property values.

What is JSON?

JSON stands for javascript Object Notation. It is a light weight data interchange format. It is easier to handle and alternative to XML.