Latest posts on "asp-net-MVC"

Bootstrap Navbar Active Class to html.actionlink with MVC

28 August 2018

In this tutorial I will show you how to implement bootstrap menu active on navabar using MVC. Here I applied to my project. By default MVC project template was comes with bootstrap and styling for menu by default but functionality was not included.

How to generate OTP Code in c#?

25 August 2018

In this tutorial I will show you how to generate OTP code in c# mvc. Nowadays most applications are using two factor verification to validate the user’s login information using mobile number for online banking or made purchase online goods.

How to get modelstate errors in json c#?

24 August 2018

In this tutorial I am going show you how to handle modelstate errors in json c#. Here I am using MVC5 and entity framework.You can use SelectMany function c# to get error message from modelstate mvc. MVC Razor @Url.Content vs @Url.Action

26 November 2017

Here, you can understand the difference between @Url.Content and @Url.Action in MVC Razor If you want to pass the url for a file path for the website then you can pass it. It will resolve a virtual path into an absolute path.

500 - internal server error

19 October 2017

I am getting 500-internal server error when I uploaded the published copy to the GoDaddy and there is no detail about the error. Even though I add Custom Error mode=”On” in the web.Config setting.

HTTP Error 401.0 – Unauthorized- application

15 October 2017

I got this above error while running web application using mvc 5. Previously, everything was fine. In my trader application, when I click the home icon it is redirecting to the home page.

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