Latest posts on "c-net"

Download div content on button click using javascript

7 September 2016

In this article, I will show you how to download div content using javascript on button click. To save the content of the div you need to trigger the click event and get downloaded from the innerHTML using elementId.

C# isnull or empty

7 September 2016

If you want to check the property value or string which is Null or not using the following code in c# .Net.

Override method in c#

6 September 2016

In this article, I will show you how to override ToString() method in c# .net with example. You can overwrite a method of any class using a keyword “override”.

Explain generics in c# example

6 September 2016

Generics allow us to design classes and methods decoupled from data types. Generic classes available in System. Collections. Generic namespace.

Ftp error 530 User cannot Log in

4 September 2016

I want to download files from an FTP server using c#. When I tried to connect FTP server I got the following error FTP error: 530 User cannot Log in.

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