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Open and closed browser window using JavaScript

In this tutorial I will show you how to open and close the browser window within a time interval.Here, I am closing the browser tab using the setTimeout by the JavaScript function and passing the two parameter function “closeWin” and time interval of 5 seconds. MVC Razor @Url.Content vs @Url.Action

Here, you can understand the difference between @Url.Content and @Url.Action in MVC Razor If you want to pass the url for a file path for the website then you can pass it. It will resolve a virtual path into an absolute path.

How to change datetimeoffset to datetime c# ?

In this tutorial I will show you how to convert datetimeoffset to datetime using c#. Here, I want to save the datetime object value into the database. But the datetimeoffset was returning string value. In order to convert string (datetimeoffset) to datetime you may follow this way,

500 - internal server error

I am getting 500-internal server error when I uploaded the published copy to the GoDaddy and there is no detail about the error. Even though I add Custom Error mode=”On” in the web.Config setting.

Export SQL query results to Excel?

In this video tutorial I will show how to export SQL Query results to excel using Microsoft SQL Server. After executing the SQL Query, in the results pane, click the top-left cell to highlight all the records, and then right-click the top-left cell and click "Save Results As" and give any name for it.