In this article, I will show you how to check if a record exists before insert in to the database using entity framework in c#.
You can use Any() because it will check soon as matches in records.
Entity framework-exists record:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (db.UserLogins.Any(r => r.Name == userlogin.Name))
TempData["message"] = "User name already exists";
return View(userlogin);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
You can also achieve using Count(), but it will check each row of the record before returning. So above one is best to check exists record.
if (db.UserLogins.Where(d => d.Name ==userlogin.Name).Count() > 0)
TempData["message"] = "User name alreadyexists";
return View(userlogin);
else{ // save record }
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