Latest posts on tagged on "ASP-NET"

The difference between web applications and web sites

27 August 2018

As the name implies, it is like an application, it can be accessed like a website, but once you change it, if you change a piece of logic, you have to recompile it to see the effect of the change when the website is accessed.

Create a design in web

17 January 2018

Designing a website requires serious thought and planning. The most important thing is to know your visiting user.

Website Construction Guide

17 January 2018

What should a website developer have to master? HTML and CSS, Client-side script - JavaScript and the DOM Server-side script - ASP, PHP XML and SQL MVC Razor @Url.Content vs @Url.Action

26 November 2017

Here, you can understand the difference between @Url.Content and @Url.Action in MVC Razor If you want to pass the url for a file path for the website then you can pass it. It will resolve a virtual path into an absolute path.

How to change datetimeoffset to datetime c# ?

22 November 2017

In this tutorial I will show you how to convert datetimeoffset to datetime using c#. Here, I want to save the datetime object value into the database. But the datetimeoffset was returning string value. In order to convert string (datetimeoffset) to datetime you may follow this way,

HTTP Error 401.0 – Unauthorized- application

15 October 2017

I got this above error while running web application using mvc 5. Previously, everything was fine. In my trader application, when I click the home icon it is redirecting to the home page.

DisplayFor date format mvc 5

5 October 2017

I want to display the date in the view, but the resulted Date Format is 05/10/2017 12:00:00AM. But I wanted to display like 05-Oct-2017. Before I tried to display using DisplayFor, but it was not suited to display the date format.

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