As the name implies, it is like an application, it can be accessed like a website, but once you change it, if you change a piece of logic, you have to recompile it to see the effect of the change when the website is accessed.
I got the following error “This program is blocked by group policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.” while hosting the mvc application published copy to the godaddy account.
I have recently installed visual studio 2015, while running web application after page getting loaded. I stopped the debugging afterwards can’t able to browse and work.
Here, you can understand the difference between @Url.Content and @Url.Action in MVC Razor If you want to pass the url for a file path for the website then you can pass it. It will resolve a virtual path into an absolute path.
In this tutorial I will show you how to convert datetimeoffset to datetime using c#. Here, I want to save the datetime object value into the database. But the datetimeoffset was returning string value. In order to convert string (datetimeoffset) to datetime you may follow this way,
I got this above error while running web application using mvc 5. Previously, everything was fine. In my trader application, when I click the home icon it is redirecting to the home page.
I want to display the date in the view, but the resulted Date Format is 05/10/2017 12:00:00AM. But I wanted to display like 05-Oct-2017. Before I tried to display using DisplayFor, but it was not suited to display the date format.
I have a problem in TinyMce Editor wherever I am using double Quotes it breaks my text is showing outside the HTML tinymce. The double Quotes should show the "e in the source.